23 Jun 2008

Jewish Converts to Islam

I am ethnically a Russian Jew. My quest began when I was 19 years old. I was recovering from my stint with Scientology (yes I was brainwashed into it). My belief in God was uncertain. My goals in life were to be a rock star. I was living in my Pasadena apartment and working as a secretary. Funny, I know. One night I was walking to the kitchen, and encountered a dark fellow. I remembered asking him: "Can I keep this vodka in the fridge tonight?" We shook hands and went to sleep. After that point, my life changed drastically...

As I sifted through the countless logical facts that I read through and researched, one thing took my attention the most. "Islam". The name of this religion. I noticed it is written many times in this Qur'an. However, recalling my prior studies, I didn't remember once seeing the word "Judaism" in the Old Testament or "Christianity" in the New Testament. This was BIG. Why couldn't I find the very name of the religions in those two books? Because, there is no name in these books! Thinking...I noticed that "Judaism" could be broken down to "Juda- ism" and "Christianity" could be respectively "Christ-ianity". So who is Juda? Or Judah, rather. He was the tribe leader of the Hebrews when God revealed his message to mankind. So this religion was named after...a person. Ok let's look at who Christ is. He was the person who delivered the message of God to the Jews. So this religion was named after...a person.

So in recollection, we can deduct that the names of these religions are people's proper names attached to "ism" and "ianity". Regardless of that fact, the very names of those religions are not mentioned in their scriptures. I thought that was very odd. If I went door to door selling a product, and I said "Would you like to buy this _______"? Wouldn't the logical question be: "What is this _____ called?" I would make no money off of a product without a name. Naming is the very basis which humans identify with objects, both physical and non-physical. If religion is supposed to be practiced and spread to every person on earth, shouldn't there be a NAME for it? Moreover, shouldn't the name be given to us from God Almighty? YES, my point exactly. The names "Christianity" and "Judaism" were not written in the Holy Scriptures. Humans named them, not God.

source : www.zaharuddin.net
Setiap orang yang berusaha untuk meninggikan kalimah Islam boleh menggunakan segala yang ada padanya seperti harta benda, jiwa raga, pena (penulisan), dan lisan (dakwah).
-Sayyid Abul 'Ala al Maududi-